Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Review - Exo Cricket Flour Protein Bars

Brand:  Exo
Flavor:  Apple Cinnamon Protein Bar
Where to get it: here @ ExoProtein.com

                Let's talk about bugs ba-by, let's talk about you and me-e, let's talk about all the good things and the bad thing that we eeeeeeeeeeaaaat...

Have you heard of these Exo protein bars? If not, the thing that makes them noteworthy (and somewhat newsworthy), is that the protein source is crickets. *Gasp* BUGS?!?!? Amigawd, how like, totally disgusting, right?? Well...perhaps a little perspective will help with this one:

I'm guessing that a lot of the treats you eat semi-regularly, or have at least tried a time or two without repulsion of any sort, contain bugs. Not bugs like accidental bugs-fell-into-the-vat-at-the-warehouse bugs, but bugs, as an ingredient, on purpose. Don't believe me? Junior Mints, Birthday Cake Oreos, Jelly Belly Jelly Beans, Mike & Ike's, Hot Tamales and many other products contain Confectioner's Glaze. Confectioner's Glaze is almost always made from beetles. (There is a plant-based alternative, but it's much more expensive, and is rarely used in the US.) These little ground up (female) Lac Beetles are what make those movie-time treats shiny.

So, now that we've hopefully established a path of logic that won't make you disregard a sustainable protein bar because it's made out of bugs, and you don't eat bugs (except when you do), let's talk about the actual product at hand, sans the bug issue.

Crickets have kind of a nutty flavor, so it's smart that the first ingredient in this bar is almonds, which helps to harmonize any weird trigger your brain might start to attach to being "bug-flavored". The bar itself tasted kind of like a nut bread...maybe if you made banana nut bread and left out the bananas. It's soft and has a good texture, but is high in fat 14g (almonds, flax, coconut), and you can actually see it leave your fingers shiny. There are also 26g carbs - 16 of which are sugar (honey and fruits). At 290 calories, 16g sugar & 14g fat...that's a lot of macro-fudging for just 10g protein.

Don't get me wrong, I love this idea. There's no nasty, chalky protein cloud swirling around ruining your mouth for 10 minutes after you've finished the bar. Sustainable cricket flour is a great idea, and this bar is full of all natural ingredients. I can live with the fat, because it adds up in a hurry when you're dealing with nuts, but I feel like there is something that could be done about the sugar content here. Swap the honey for some Stevia? Ditch the plum paste for applesauce (the apple flavor wasn't very strong)? I don't know what works and what doesn't, but there's gotta be a way here without affecting the taste too much.

At any rate, I think this is a great idea, and I hope Exo keeps growing and expanding. You're eating bugs anyway, at least Exo has the balls to tell you about it up front.
Tastes like:  Nutty bread
Taste rating:  7/10

Qualities:  Gluten free, Made in the USA

What's in it:

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