Brand: Yummy Health
Flavor: Yummy Snack Coconut Bar
Where to get it: here @
you like coconut and chocolate? Get this. Straight up, it tastes like a candy
bar. If coconut is your jam, this bar is definitely for you. The chocolate
coating is sugar-free, which helps this bar post up just 8g of sugar, which is
probably a far cry from your favorite candy bar. I didn’t notice the sugar-free
taste so much as I did the Stevia, which isn’t my favorite sweetener, as I find
it has a very distinctive taste aside from just sweetening whatever party it’s
attending. It’s not overpowering and doesn’t ruin this bar, but it was
noticeable for me. If you’re a Stevia-head, I’m guessing this bar will make
your eyes roll back with delight. If you’re not a Stevia-head, try it anyway.
Tastes like: A Stevia’d candy bar!
Taste rating: 8/10
Qualities: Gluten-free, Made in the USA