Brand: Positive Energy
Flavor: Various
Where to get it: here @ Positive Energy
how cool is Positive Energy? They saw my review of their orange juice, and just
couldn’t bear the thought of me not being able to try their other flavors, so
they sent me a box of them! They also sent some stickers (which my person
promptly stole and put on his snowboard), a magnetized + orange, and a
page-long HANDWRITTEN LETTER. Color me impressed, I looked at all the words on
the page and calculated that, in this day of banging on keyboards all day long,
writing that much with A PEN would have seen me take about 17 breaks for hand
juice is my favorite juice, so I went for that first. It was just as good as
the orange juice. I put vodka in the cranberry juice as well as the strawberry
lemonade. SO GOOD! The rest I drank sans alcohol, like a good girl. I love this
line, and I love this company. They really care about their product and the
press they get, and they clearly take the time to pay attention to social media
– which I’m pretty sure is crucial to being successful in the 21st
century, no shock there. So thank you, THANK YOU, Positive Energy, for the
treats, the care, and just for being generally awesome folks!
Tastes like: Juice
with a sizzle
Taste rating: 10/10
Qualities: Gluten-free, Kosher, Non-GMO
What’s in it: (Orange Juice)

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