Friday, July 11, 2014

Review: Explore Asian Mung Bean Fettuccine

Brand:  Explore Asian
Flavor:  Mung Bean Fettuccine
Where to buy:  here @

                I love noodles, with almost anything on them. Italian, Asian, college dorm-style…you name it, I want them almost all the time. The problem is…noodles are basically empty calories. And when you’re dieting, it’s hard to even make room for things far less nefarious than the carbo-rific little demon calories in noodles. A large percentage of the calories in these noodles comes from protein! PRAISE BE DELIVERED! You could even eat a piece of garlic bread with a bowl of these and not feel guilty. And unlike the 0-calorie konnyaku noodles, these noodles don’t have that terrible smell, and have almost the same consistency as wheat-based pasta (I find the konnyaku to be grossly gummy).

Tastes like:  A delicious meat noodle that you never knew existed
Taste rating:  9/10

Tip:  Don’t overcook them. Once they are almost all floating to the top in your boiling water, they are done. I usually cook for 2-3 minutes less than the package recommends.
Qualities:  Vegan, Organic, Kosher
What's in it:

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