Friday, July 25, 2014

Juice Cleanse, Day 1 Recap

Well, I made it. Not a morsel of solid food on day 1. Egg whites and a "moderate" amount of raw or steamed veggies are allowed, but I really wanted to make it at least 1 day on the juice alone.

I did pretty well, hunger-wise, until around 7pm. Then the drive-thru fantasies set in, and fierce. But I fought them off with all kinds of guilty pleasure E! shows that I had on the DVR. I think I peed 50 times throughout the day (not exaggerating), and I drank a lot of tea. Blood sugar-levels were good throughout the day, but dipped a little at night, which I corrected with a 100-calorie chocolate milk. I had a low-grade headache for most of the afternoon, but that could be due to not being able to have my first-thing-in-the-morning Diet Coke. I missed it a lot more than I thought I would, which might be a good thing to consider. Addicted, much?? I slept like poo though.

Here's the day 1 intake rundown:

Morning Glory(0/10, 120 calories) This tasted like a lettuce/celery/dirt milkshake to me. I had to hold my nose to get it down, and chase each swallow with tea. I am not kidding. I couldn’t taste the fruits in here at all.
Spicy Lemonade(10/10, 70 calories) A lot like Crystal Light lemonade with a kick. The amount of cayenne was just perfect.
Sweet Spin(6/10, 160 calories) MUCH better than the first green of the day. Heavy on the banana flavor up front with the spinach in the aftertaste, and I tasted zero dirt.
Chia Berry(8/10, 130 calories) I really liked this one. Perfect balance of tart & sweet, really a pleasant juice.
Choco-Nana(8/10, 150 calories) I was really hungry when I drank this, and it quieted my desire for solid food a lot more than I thought it would. The addition of strawberries in this juice give it a less-sweet flavor that’s really nice.
X-Treme Greens(4/10, 150 calories) I would put this one right in the middle of the other 2 green juices that I had today. It tasted a little perfume-y to me. I didn't love it, but it didn't need a chaser, at least.

Nutritional breakdown:
Total calories:  780
Carbs: 182g
Fat:  14g
Protein:  14g

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