Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Review: Simply 7 Quinoa Chips

Brand:  Simply 7
Flavor:  Quinoa Chips
Where to get it: here @ Simply 7

                Growing up in a small town, there was a sandwich shop called The Sub Shop (creative, I know) nearby. I always used to get these chips called Munchos with my sandwich. They stopped selling them (at least where I lived) for many years, and when I was a grown up I managed to find them in Canada, and I felt like a tiny slice of my childhood was reborn. Now, they sell them again in my local grocery store, but of course I never buy them because I am no longer a child that doesn’t care about nutrition. Simply 7’s quinoa chips taste EXACTLY like Munchos, but without the greasy yuck feeling. You could even go so far as to say that they taste BETTER than Munchos. I will allow it. I LOVE these chips. They are salty as heck, and so crunchy and delicious. A 1 oz. serving delivers a pretty reasonable 140 calories, especially when you consider that there are *9 grams* of protein in that ounce.

Tastes like:  Munchos, without all the grease
Taste rating:  10/10
Qualities:  Gluten-free, Non-GMO, No artificial ingredients, Vegetarian, Vegan, Kosher

What’s in it:

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