Friday, September 19, 2014

Review: South Beach Diet Whipped Peanut Butter Snack Bars

Brand:  South Beach Diet
Flavor:  Whipped Peanut Butter
Where to get it: here @ Walmart

                I find a lot of the time, people “in the know” of diet/nutrition/natural products often frown upon the mass-market brands, like South Beach Diet. Each product from each line really should be evaluated on an individual basis though, because these little bars are an absolute gem, both nutritionally and flavorically (yes, I made up a word, and I think it works. Shush). I’m a unicorn, a unique snowflake…a girl who doesn’t like chocolate. I really don’t, I just never have. So I am always on the lookout for bars like this, and this one is the best I have found for its 100 calorie hit. I always toss the box right in the fridge and eat them cold. 100 calories, great taste, 6 grams of protein, and surprise! no artificial flavors or sweeteners. If you like peanut butter (and if you’re female, I’m going to guess that you love it), you need these in your life.

Tastes like:  Cool (because I eat them out of the fridge), smooth peanut butter with a chew
Taste rating:  10/10

What’s in it:

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