Monday, December 1, 2014

The Best of November,2014!

     November has come and gone, and I did my best to eat my way through it, in a healthy way. I promise you this, December will play evil host to holiday transgressions for me, but I'm ready to take it on. One piece of mom's peanut butter fudge never hurt anybody, did it? STOP IT MOM, I'M DIABETIC. Oy, this could be a rough one. Anyway, without further ado, here are my top 3 favorite new snacks that I tried in November (in no particular order):

1.  OSTrim Turkey Snack Sticks - Until I tried one of these turkey sticks, I thought healthy pepperoni was not a real thing. You know what the #1 ingredient in that Oberto Cocktail Pep you ate as a kid is? PORK HEARTS. (Look it up.) Pepperoni is code for "organs and by-products" and "by-products" is code for GARBAGE. None of that here - this is a fantastic product. The original review/where to buy can be found here

Dang Flavors
2. Dang Coconut Chips - These taste so good right out of the bag that when I first tried them, they were gone before I could do anything creative with them. Ice cream, pancakes, hell...I feel like I really want to try them on a piece of toast with peanut butter. Shrimp salads, stir fries (stir...frys?), and anything where curry makes an appearance. But if you're just looking for a snack, and aren't feeling like getting weird with a bag of Dang, just dump them in your face. They're delicious. The original review/where to buy can be found here

3. Calbee Snapea Crisps Harvest Snacks - Better than a potato chip. I'm not lying. You get the salt & grease that you're after, without blowing all your calories or eating a ton of fat. I don't know how they do it, but they are ABSOLUTELY the closest healthy snack to those thin, greasy potato chips that come in the big yellow bag like a thief in the night to mess up your diet. But they won't mess up your diet. Mmmmm, peas!  The original review/where to buy can be found here

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